Day 1
Born 11:44 AM
8.4 oz
1 Week
16 oz
Both Puppies are doing well. Each day they are more active and responsive to being rubbed! They are so sweet and have begun wagging their tails and crawl on their bellies all over the whelping box. Brandy is a great mom tending to them day and night
4 Weeks
3lb 2.3 oz
Puppies have been started on mash and liquid supplement in addition to nursing. They are playing with each other and walking all over the whelping box. They are also starting to play with their toys using their mouths and paws. When we walk in the room they pop up their heads and walk toward you. They are giving kisses and cuddling. Ramsey is very active, alert and vocal sometimes barking with our other dogs when there is someone at the door. He is a character!
2 Week
Ramsey's eyes are open and he is barking!!!!
Gracies eyes should be fully open tomorrow and she is delicately barking! They are making their way around the whelping box on their bellies. Eating well and responding to our touches, cuddling and gicving a lick now and then. They are doing great and oh so wonderful.
3 Weeks
Sorry for blurry pictures Ramsey was on the go!!
Almost 5 Weeks
3lb 10.4 oz
8 Weeks
5lb 13 oz
Ramsey is full of life, engaging, front and center and loving. He does come, sit, paw, and up. He is also using the training pads and learned to climb steps today. He loves to follow Chip and Shadow to play, sometimes he mistakes them for Brandy but they remind him they are not his mom. He is eating well, as you can see. He is a big boy but also has a very fluffy coat. He is all boy!
7 Week
Photos of Puppies Are Under "2010 Puppy Fun"